National AnthamNegara-ku
Official NameMalaysia
Form of GovernmentConstitutional monarchy/bicameral
Area(per 1000 square km)330
Density of Population(people/1square km)58
Average life span(man/woman,age)69/73
Birth Rate(per 1000people,1990-95)28.7%
Death Rate(per 1000people,1990-95)5.1%
Literacy Rate78.4%
Official languageMalay
CapitalKuala Lumpur
Independence31 August 1957(from UK)
Entry into UNAugust 1957
GNP(billion US$,1993)60.061
per capita GNP(US$,93)3160
per capita GDP(US$,93)3382
Foreign currency reserves(million US$,93end)27365
Real Economic Growth Rate(1991)8.0%
Export(million US$,93)47122
Import(million US$,93)45657