National anthemAegukka
Official name Republic of Korea
Orgins of the country
Form of governmentRepublic/Unicameral
Area(1000 spuare km) 99.016
Population density(people/1 spuare km,1993)444
Average life span(male/female)67/75
Birth rate(per 1000people,1992)16.3
Death rate(per 1000people,1992)5.3
Literacy rate(1990)96.3%
Official languagesKorean,English
Capital Seoul
The founding of a nation 15 August 1948
Entry into UNSeptember 1991
GNP(billion US dollars)33.8062
per capita GNP(US dollars)7670
GDP(billion US dollars)33.0831
Foreign-exchange reserves(million US dollars,1993)20244
Growth rate(1993)5.5%
Export(million US dollars,1993)82189
Import(million US dollars,1993)83784