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Linked Senses*

Linked senses is an intelligent collaboration, adapted from a Japanese traditional poetic form known as renga. Beginning with an opening verse, every two weeks additional verses were contributed to the poem/essay forming a message. Linked senses started in January 1996, the same time as IWE '96 was launched, and continued until the Japan zone Grand Opening in April 1996.

The opening verse by Shin'ichi Takemura, the verse master, was followed by verses from Toji Kamata (a religious researcher), Cai Guo Qiang (an artist), EPO (a musician), Ingo Gunther (an artist), and Natsuki Ikezawa (an author). Photographic images that accompanied the contributions were provided by Bruce Osborn (a photographer) who is based in Tokyo.

Sensing Japan

Sensing Japan is an initiative aimed at rediscovering world where we live from new perspectives. From a variety of fields related to the environment, people probe world through their individual viewpoints and activities. Their reports should shed new light on a Japan that we are not normally aware of.

People who were interviewed for sensing Japan included Masanobu Shibuya (a professional diver), Takashi Tsumura (a practitioner of Chinese healing methods), Mariyo Yagi (an artist), Takeshi Mizukoshi (a photographer), and Yoshihiro Kawasaki (a sound designer). They sent reports from Kobe, Yakushima Island and Kushiro, among other places.

Tsuruhiko Kiuchi, a comet searcher in Nagano, joined us from July.


Senseware is a toolkit for sensing the world as a living thing.

For example, World Ear brings to your desktop soundscapes recorded using DAT at various parts of the world by St. GIGA, a digital satellite radio station.

Also, the demonstration version of Net Sound transforms Net traffic, i.e. protocols, into various sounds, to let you "hear" the Net. Please enjoy listening to traffic generated by the Ohno Lab at Tokyo Institute of Technology.

Finally, Star Place lets you enjoy the sensation of the earth orbiting the sun at high speed, with graphics and verses by illustrator KINOCLINIC. The feature is available from August 12, coinciding with the peak of the meteor shower.

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