Industry (Forestry and Agriculture)


Matsutake (Armillaria matsutake) is a typical Japanese natural product and a representative example of the local food culture.
Hiroshima grows Japan's best Matsutake.

Hiroshima's matsutake growing areas concentrate on the Sera region including Kouzan town. During the harvest seasons various events like tourist Matsutake parks, direct sales and a Matsutake festival are held where the Matsutake is the sole source for much excitement.

The Hiroshima way of Matsutake mountain building is called the Kaneyuki environment preparation.
Ikutaro Kaneyuki, who during the early Taisho period (1912 - 1925) started the artificial growing of Matsutake, published in 1955 the secrets of Matsutake proliferation "The Book of Forest Love and an Abundant Country". He died in 1964. Until his death he actively taught and promoted the method of Matsutake growing not only in Hiroshima, but throughout the country.

In the Prefectural Forestry Laboratory biotechnology is used in attempts at increasing production. The experiments include cultivation of Matsutake fungi, production of fungi infected seedlings and research in Matsutake colony formation.

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