Industry (Manufacturing Industries)

Fabrics (Fukuyama, Ashina district, Shinichi town etc.)

Fabric manufacture in this prefecture has its origin the with the cotton growing the feudal lord Katsunari Mizuno of the Edo period started. He thus initiated the production of cotton fabrics that later came to be known as "Bingo stripes (Shima)".
Simultaneously with the production in the Shinichi region during the late Edo period cotton fabrics were also manufactured together with the "Bingo Kasuri" in the Bingo region and favored an extensive growth of the area.
After these beginnings of fabric production in this prefecture, the introduction in Shinichi (present day Ashina district and Shinichi town) of pedal operated weaving machines in 1923 led to the subcontracting or work from the Bichu region (present day Okayama Prefecture).
By 1935 power driven weaving machines came into wide use and financially strong wholesale dealers began mass production of pants and shirts. This formed the foundation of the later development of modern sewing industry.
Because this industry was contracted during the war to manufacture military uniforms requiring strict standards and quality control, the sewing technology in this region made rapid progress. Thus acquired techniques were later applied to the production of work clothes.
After the war working wear were made throughout Japan, but this region still holds a large share of the total production volume. The large variety of produced items includes also casual wear, women wear, winter clothing, shoes, jeans, sports wear and the like. Subsequently, this led to a marked growth of the industry. By 1965 large makers even hired young workers from outside the prefecture.
Regarding processed materials the industry shifted from cotton to synthetic fibers and large makers build their company image and strategies on these fibers.
To meet the diversifying needs of consumers throughout the world, not only new designs, but also a variety of new articles and production systems for small quantities have been developed and companies are also trying to set up foreign joint factories in areas like Thailand or China.

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