governor Yuzan Fujita
Welcome to the Hiroshima Pavilion!
My name is Yuzan Fujita, and I am the governor of Hiroshima
Prefecture. I would like to say a few words to all of you as you
begin your "tour".
Hiroshma was the first place on earth to have been exposed to an
atomic bomb, and is thus known to many people worldwide as the
origin of the global peace movement. In the 50 years following
the war, this prefecture has made a remarkable recovery from the
ruins of the bombing and is now preparing to enter the 21st
Century. We decided to open this pavilion at the Internet 1996
World Exposition because we wish to introduce our prefecture as it
is today to the citizens of the world.
Hiroshima is presently striving to become "Japan's Most Livable
Prefecture", and to this end is now developing a vision for the
future in an advanced information telecommunications society.
This Exposition should provide us with entirely new experiences,
and the chance to hear opinions from all over the world...surely
proving to be a wonderful asset for our prefecture.
Thank you for taking the time to look at the presentation of
"Hiroshima Prefecture" unfolding below. I hope it will deepen
your understanding of our prefecture.
Well then....Let's open the doors to Hiroshima Prefecture.