Main Cities (Higashi-Hiroshima)

Meaning of the city symbol

A city of learning surrounded by green - in a prayer for unlimited activity and development the Japanese alphabet character for "Hi" of Higashi-Hiroshima has been used to express two flying birds.
The two "Hi" of Higashi-Hiroshima also express the close relationship among its citizens. Sharp projections in a place resembling a birds breast also represents the symbol of the scholars learning in this intellectual city, the tip of a pen.

Where the fragrance of good sake hangs in the air, Higashi-Hiroshima

Higashi-Hiroshima was formed in 1974 through the junction of the 4 towns Saijo, Hachihonmatsu, Shiwa and Takaya in the Kamo District as the 12th city within Hiroshima Prefecture.
This city is located about in the center of Hiroshima Prefecture, surrounded by plenty of green and nature, so that its development has started early and it now can look back on a long history and well developed culture. Within the city precincts are structures like the prefecture's oldest and largest Mitsushiro Kofun (ancient tomb) built in the first half of the 5th century as well as the Aki-Kokubun Temple, built during the Nara period. These made Aki to the political, economic and cultural center of that time.
Moreover, under the Taisai government (what today would be the prime minister) of Kyushu the posts along the "Sanyou road" flourished. During the Sengoku period Oouchi, who had his troops stationed in the Chugoku and western districts the Kagamiyama castle was built as a front line base. Later, in the Edo period the local government office was set up in Saijo town and became the center of the Kamodai territory, where it served also as post-town. National and prefectural satellite offices (organizations) were established here and the city fulfilled a central governmental role even after the Meiji period.
In February 1973 Saijo town was chosen as the general relocation site for the Prefectural Hiroshima University. This initiated many incentives for the construction of an intellectual city centering around Hiroshima University and in April of the following year, 1974, construction works were started. Since then the aim is completion and steady development of an intellectual city.
Also, construction of the Hiroshima Central Technopolis has been promoted since 1984. This project is executed by three cities and 2 towns, including this city (Kure and Takehara city, Kurose and Akitzu town).
"Intellectual city with a balanced harmony between man and nature" is the motto for the ongoing urban development and in August 1992 the city entered the circle of cities with a population of over 100,000.
Moreover, progression of the organization of such means of a high speed traffic net like the airport opened in October 1993, the Sanyo Shinkansen, Sanyo highway, Higashi-Hiroshima highway etc. helped to unify the extensive Hiroshima region and serves as an important driving force for the development of this area.


Sake brewing

Sake brewery, a traditional industry of the city, has a history of about 300 years and currently 10 famous brands of sake are shipped throughout the country. The sake of Higashi-Hiroshima well-mellowed, tasty and goes well with white meat fish. This special taste is brought about by the water used for the sake brewery (intermediate hardness) and a unique brewing method.
In July 1995 Japan's only national sake research facility, the Brewery Laboratory of the National Tax Office, has been opened here. Now the town directs its efforts at becoming the "city of sake", both in name and in deeds.

Brewery laboratory of the National Tax Office

Sake brewery streets

Sake brewery streets

Sake breweries line the old Sanyo road and decorate the scenery with red brick chimneys and black and white lattice work walls (Nameko walls) to produce a beautiful nostalgic scene. During the preparation in winter the fragrance of the sake hangs over the city and gives you the feeling of being in a sake producing region. There are also historic traces of old tea houses that still tell the tale of the post towns along the old Sanyo road.

Sake festival '95

Sake festival

This festival is held every year in the first third of October and allows to taste about 700 famous brands from all over the Japan. Additionally, sitting in little bars eating famous food like "Bishu-Nabe" (quality sake cauldron), or listening to classic music concerts in sake breweries, walking through the sake brewery streets, the so-called "teko-teko rally" and many other events always attract more than 100,000 visitors.

Sake festival '95

Quality sake cauldron

Special cooking spiced with sake, salt and pepper only is a specialty of Higashi-Hiroshima. Main ingredients include chicken, Chinese cabbage, Welsh onion, devil's tongue, green pepper, carrots etc. and the preparation is as simple as sukiyaki. Its origin goes back to the time, when the brewery workers used sake to prepare their food during the sake brewing period in winter.

Campus City

Hiroshima University

The Hiroshima University and the Department of Engineering of Kinki University are located within the city limits. Here 15,000 students are studying. In the vicinity of the university are many student apartments and the construction of a student city where the young people can meet is steadily progressing.
Higashi-Hiroshima tries to respect its natural, historical and cultural assets (blessing). Through intellectual, technical, international activities and exchange the city tries to realize to achieve harmony between people and campus city.

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