CANCER (The Crab)

The crab in the constellation Cancer was a friend of the sea monster Hydra. The tale of this crab appears in one of the twelve labors of Hercules, in which Hercules was to rid the world of the Hydra. As the many-headed Hydra grappled with Hercules, one after another of its fearsome heads was cut off until its situation became extremely perilous. Seeing the unconquerable Hydra in such desperate situation, the crab cried "My friend Hydra is in trouble!" and bravely waved its claws at the mighty Hercules. Before the greatest of the Greek heroes, however, the crab had no chance and was vanquished in an instant. Looking on, the gods were impressed with this display of friendship and added the crab to the constellations in the heavens.

LEO (The Lion)

GEMINI (The Twins)