Tests of Inter-regional Multimedia
Information Exchange

SAPPORO ELECTORICS CENTER, Tohoku internet Association, SOFTWARE RESEARCH ASSOCIATES, TOHOKU INC., Sendai National College of Technology, Tohoku University, JAPAN PROCESSING, SERVICE CO.LTD., AT&T Jens Corporation, AXIS CORPORATION, COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY, INTEGRATOR CO.,LTD.,,Nanzan University, Kansai Institute of Information Systems, Asahi National Broadcasting Co.,LTD.,,Hankyu Corporation, DENTSU INC. KANSAI, Hiroshima University, Ehime University,EHIME TECHNOPOLIS FOUNDATION, SystemSoft Corporation, KYUSHU UNIVERSITY, KYUSHU INSTITUTE OF DESIGN, JUSTSYSTEM CORPORATION, NTT Software Laboratories


Development of diverse network uses througn protocols