Kao Corporation
The virtual factory experiment started in May successfully confirmed the practicality of remote plant operation of the Kyushu factory from the Wakayama factory and it has reached the theme "Reforming factory management" as the next step.
The experiment in the new step checks the practicality of integrated wide-area operation of the Wakayama and Kyushu factories to set up the vision of future integrated wide-area operation.
- Connects the Wakayama and Kyushu factories using the high-speed, broadband backbone network to implement management of the Kyushu factory from the Wakayama factory by real-time transmission of production progress information on the Kyushu factory.
The video conference system is also introduced to make production and physical distribution management effective and smooth by communication (of motion pictures, sound, and information) between the Wakayama and Kyushu factories and to enable engineering tasks such as information system and control system development over a distance.