Super High Definition Images Multimedia systems and Ultra-high-speed Computer Networks
Keio University, NTT Information and Communication Systems Laboratories, NTT Optical Network Systems Laboratories
Construction for "digital university"
Interconnection of campuses (Shinano-machi, Mita, ??Yagami??, Hiyoshi, and Shonan Fujisawa) to prepare the ultra-high-speed backbone network for supporting education and research activities and extensions to all offices, laboratories, and classes.
Installation of high-capacity distributed file server
Experiment on tele-education
Research and development of tele-education technology which implement a distributed education environment independent of time, space, and individuals.
Experiment on tele-medicine
Demonstrative experiment on remote medicine by high-speed transfer of super-high-definition (SHD), X-ray and pathological images. Research and development of integrating medical information into a database for a film-less and paper-less environment.
Experiment on multimedia base technology
Research and development of multimedia base technologies which cover system software including operating systems and communications hardware.