Special Telephone Numbers

Special Telephone Numbers

Telephone numbers for emergency calls
110: Police
119: Fire fighting and ambulance
Information services
117: Time tone
177: Weather forecast
Special numbers beginning with 1
100: Manual exchange
104: Directory assistance
106: Credit card call (manual) or collect call
113: Troubleshooting
114: Busy-line fact-finder(service starts on Feb. 24, 1996)
115: Telegram
116: Order reception
121: Credit card call (automatic)
125: Conference call
141: Absent-subscriber service
142: Absent call forwarding
144: Nuisance call rejection
161: Facsimile network
163: Packet switching network
166: Videotex network
030: Portable or mobile telephone
040: Same as above
050: PHS service
0__0 services
0120: Toll-free dialing
0180: Telegong
0990: Dial Q2
Numbers beginning with 00
Connection to telephone companies other than NTT
#____ (fixed abbreviated dialing)
#8300: Message dialing (Tokyo area)
# Dial
#8300: Hello Dial