NTT and Toppan opened the Internet Market Mall(IMM), a new Internet service.
This service uses map data as a base to reproduce actual communities on the Internet, offering users easy access and enabling them to add any kind of lifestyle related information to this service.
This service has been designed to facilitate communication worthy of the age of multimedia lifestyles.
- The highly accurate, 10,000:1 scale map of Japan utilized as the base of IMM is used with permission granted by the Geographical Survey Institute of the Japanese Ministry of Construction.
- Those wishing to add information can use the Internet to inexpensively create a HOME PAGE on the map featuring an icon representing the type of business as well as a photograph of the business.
- By using our updating system, information that changes weekly or daily can also be added. Users can utilize a rich variety of search functions, such as Map, Place Name, Business Type, Station Name, Town Name, Public Facilities, Major Buildings, and Keywords, to easily obtain the information they desire.
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