Internet 1996 World Exposition"Kyushu Pavilion"

Internet1996 World Exposition "Kyushu Pavilion"

Theme Pavilion/Public Pavilion/Company Pavilion
Media Pavilion/Kyushu Information Encycropedia/Laboratory
- [kju:] for KYUSHU. Kyushu is a great treasure house of economy, culture, nature, history, and humanity.
- m[kju:] for ‹… which means the globe. The field of vision is world-wide.
- [kju:] for ‹ which means desire. Under the hungry spirit mixing, giving out, and merger create something new.
- [kju:] for CUE. The cue to induce the changes towards new generation is given unpredictably.
- [kju:] for Q. Questions pursuit the sources.
The island that emerged so unpredictably as a surprise on the network -
"ultra island"
In this island economy, culture, nature, history, and humanity in various aspects cross and crush each other, and get heated to spark.
These five elements are unknowingly mixed up and shaken well to create new aspects of Kyushu.
But those aspects appear and disappear for prusuit of new identity.
This chaotic and mysterious part is more attractive than any other places in the world.Ultra [kju:] island is
"Energy Remix Zone" reforming new Kyushu.
Official Name
- Internet 1996 World Exposition "Kyushu Pavilion"
- April 1996 - December 1996 (for 9 months)
Host Organization
- Executive committee of Kyushu Pavilion
iChairman Tatsuo Kawaij
- International Trade and Industry Bureau of Kyushu
- Post and Telecommunications Bureau of Kyushu
- Kyushu University
- Corporations
- Engineer Creators
- Sending out the unique information of Kyushu.
- Enlightenment of Internet to Industrial people and Residents in Kyushu.
- Accumulation of the skills for "Human infrastructure" to establish the high-
informative society in Kyushu
- Exhibiting "Kyushu Pavilion" at Internet 1996 World Exposition to send out virtual contents information.
- Building up and equipping the off- network facilities for real contents such as
the linkages Mass Media events, installation of PAP, and setting up Digital studios.