About myself and China
by : Wang Jinghua
I am very glad to write something about myself at the moment. I am a sophomore studying English in the Snglish Department of Beijing Foreign Studies University, and my major is literature. But my desire is to be an interpreter and witten translater.
I am from a small but an acient city, XingCheng in LiaoNIng province in the North-East of China. It's a beach city, beside it there is a boundless ocean Bouhai. Every year, it has drawn nemurous tourist who are from all over the countries to visit it and to have a good summer holidays there. There is also Hot Spring in the city, big potatoes enjoy to go to the seaside to recuperate, for it's a holy place for convalescence. Xing Cheng is not only a tourist city, but also one of the most intact cities in China. I always liked swim in the sea with my classmates when I was in high school. My parents just live in this city. I have two elder sisiters and two younger brothers. I am the middle one. I miss then especially my parents when I feel lonely, for in Beijing I have no relatives, only myself. So I have to learn to be independent. I really like to make friends with lots of people, but I have not get much time and the circle of my activity is limited. My two elder sisiters are already married and are very happy and still have so many friends. I feel Iam quite differnt from them and other common girls. For I resolve to be a sindle one. I don't like to work the same old way which was repeated by countless females since human beings history began. Please don't missunderstand me. I have never been an inhospital girl. On the contrary I am warm-hearted to everyone who is beside me, and my heart is filled with love. I only don't want to be a victim of one's family. This is my secret. No one knows it except me. Never mind you don't know me.
In our university, there are many more girls than boys, they are tall, slim, pretty, lively and lovely, and look very smart. It's a pity that I am not one of them. At the weekend, girls and boys go to the college student's activity center for dancing, drinking, seeing the film etc. Ilike it very much but seldom join them. I am not well dressed very often, pretty casual. I can save much times for studying. I can take a seat somewhere at random. Don't need to pay attention about my clothes becoming dirty. I feel it a pleasure, easy and confortable. It is a real life. If I dress well, I feel very tired in my spirit and could not bear it. I don't take much care about my future, for no one can tell it at all. In the Bible it says don't worry about tomorrow for tomorrow has its own worries, one day's troubles will be dealed with in one day, that's enough. I know something about the Bible, but I am not a christian, some students believe in God and are devourt christians, but most students are interested in computer, or several students together buy one computer. I also have an interested in computers. I heard that on second-hand computer for only five hundred yuan. What's good news! But I don't know if i will be the fortunate one to find such a good bargain.
On the campass, it is beautiful and silent. All the buildings are surrounded by trees, flowers and green grass, It's just as good as garden. Chinese traditional customs make us to get up early each morning to do exercise to harden our body. Students work hard at their major until at half past ten in the evening every day. We six girls share one room, between the bunk beds, there is a rectangular table. It's small, narrow, but it looks very cosy and we enjoy ourselves being together everyday. We have no to set reading newspapers and listening to the radio is the only way of us to get message or our news about our country. We like to political newspapers eager to know about the present political situation of China and the international situation. Since the policy of openning to the world has been comed out China, the Chinese economy has developed at a surprising speed with it an earth-shaking change has been taken place in hte land of China and the international status of China is playing an important part international relations. On 6th june, the secretory of State Ji Xinge said that "It's a long-term target of American Foreign Policy to keep a good relationship with China. Otherwise it equals political suiside to adopt a hostile attitude toward China. We don't live the way. America always likes to be an interventionist. China possesses five thousand years of history, its ancient civilization and its splended culture has a deep effect on the world. Although now China is behind other developed counties, Chinese people are confident that China will catch up with modern countries soon, and my desire will also become reality soon. So we work hard, not only for ourselves. I hope our country should pay more attention, take much care about education, for it the fundamental, the most parament important thngs for one country.
20th June, 1996
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