Hakozaki A Local Celebrity
Gennai Hiraga

Gennai understood the system of any device at a glance.

Genpaku Sugita introduced an episode concerning the talent of Gennai in "Rangaku Kotohajime" (Netherland Beginner's Guides) as follows: "It was when Gennai visited a Dutch Captain around 1769. Gennai disassembled a puzzle ring after thinking a little while though other persons in the group all failed in solving. ..." Gennai should have a special talent in understanding the system of a new device at a glance. Furthermore, he was active enough to make it immediately. He devised and made a thermometer, a pedometer and the famous frictional static electricity generator himself. Gennai's creative works from finding the system of devices to pharmacology, mine development and novel writing did not stay in an area but extended as his interest urged him.

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