Alien Baltan was always there with Ultraman was.
The first and the second Baltan, whose shapes were quite different, appeared in 'Ultraman', and later, in 'Return of Ultraman', there was Alien Baltan Jr., followed by the new model Baltan in Ultraman 80.
In 'Ultraman Powered', Powered Baltan and Psycho Baltan appeared in the first and last episodes.
There was even Meka Baltan in another program called 'Andromelos.'
The first Alien Baltan, however, is outstanding because his scariness.
Once a boy's magazine ran a 'top secret' article that said, 'if you walk on the trail of Alien Baltan, your body will melt down', which terrified children.

On your left is Alien Baltan in 'Real Ultraman'.
A set of Alien Baltan and Ultraman cost 200 yen, but now they are out of production.
The middle two models look very similar but their metal molds are different.
The one with red eyes is that from the candy toys 'Ultraman Complete Series', and the one with yellow eyes is that from another channel, 'Ultra Variety 5.'
On the right is the Alien Baltan from the capsule toy 'Ultraman HG Series.'
There are two different kinds of coloring according to the time of production.

'Ultra Variety 5' by Yutaka Co.,
680yen for the set of five models