My name is Nara Ohichi. I am sixteen years old. I live in Nagoya City. I
belong to the English Club and the Chorus Club. In the Chorus Club, my part
is soprano. My hobbies are reading books, listening to music and singing
songs. I like karaoke very much.
My family has six members; grandparents, parents, a younger brother, and
I. My mother's hobby is playing vollyball. She is a very good vallyball
I like animals very much, but I don't have any pet. Someday,
I want to have some pets. How happy I am if I can live surrounded by many
animals like Mutsugoro; Mr. Masanori Hata.
My favorite singers groups are LUNA SEA and DREAMS COME TRUE. Their songs
make me happier when I am happy, and comfort when I am sad. LUNA SEA has
five members; RYUICHI, SUGIZO, INORAN, J, SHINYA. RYUICHI is a vocalist.
SUGIZO and INORAN are guitarist. J is a basist. SHINYA is a drummer. I love
them very much. Of course, I love DREAMS COME TRUE very much, too.
I have a lot of friends. There are many types of people among them. Sometimes
we guarrel, but I like them very much. And maybe they also like me. They
are my precious treasures.
I have many favarite things. I will keep loving them all the time.
E-mail: nara@ngy003.tth.expo96.ad.jp
Edited by Nakamura English Club
Created in August, 1996