Welcome to Hippo Family Club (Hiroshima and WESTERN AREA in JAPAN)'s Home Page!!

This Home Page is the local one for Hiroshima area
and Western area in Japan (Chugoku, Shikoku and Kyusyu areas).

[Japanese Home Page is Here][Last Update 04 Nov. 1996][Produced by S.Hayashi]

--- An enjoyable Multilingal Program for Families and Friends ---

The families.
* The Families around Hiroshima City
* We also have many families in the other Pref. without Hiroshima in West Japan area.

The Reports of Overseas from Hiroshima. (Now, Only in Japanese...Sorry...)

The Interpretation Volunteer. (Now, Only in Japanese...Sorry...)
--- We often work as INTERPRETER in the various entertainments. ---

The Activities in the other area (LINKs)

--- Not a Sightseeing Tour Not a Shopping Tour ---
--- A Homestay Opportunity with Host Families Around the WORLD !! ---



Would you please tell us your impressions of these page!

Please call the nearest office or apply to Hippo (hrs014@tth.expo96.ad.jp) for particulars and questions!
Tokyo Head Office
Nagoya Office
Osaka Office
Hiroshima Office
Fukuoka Office
@Return to the Home Page.