Welcome to TANTON Family (Kobe)'s Home Page!!


PLACE : From Nishinomiyakitaguchi Station (Hankyu line), one minute walk to the south. Nishinomiya Koma Swimming School Building. ˇ§MAP
SCHEDULE : Every Saturday from 5:00p.m. to 7:00 p.m.


Last Saturday(August 31), we had two friends from Indonesia and Philippines, and enjoyed Hippo Family Club activity. They are now staying at KKC(Kansai Kenshu Center) dormitory in Osaka. They are on-the-job-trainees of a Japanese company.

During summer vacation, some members stayed in Korea. We love to hear so much about their excellent experiences.


[LEFT]: In May, we welcomed four friends came from Thailand and Korea.
After enjoying the Hippo Family Club Activity, they stayed one or two nights at members' homes as a family member. Photo by Nobuo Komoriya: Part-2

[RIGHT]:In May, Ima from Spain enjoyed a holiday with us. She cooked Kashiwamochi( Japanese typical sweets which are made from a kind of flour, sugar and azuki beans.) together and tried Japanese tea. A seven-year-boy-friend taught Japanese cartoon to her. Photo by Akiko Sato

In detail, please refer to the phone numbers, 0797-31-6379 (Tanimura).