Kali Puja
Acrylic paint on shaped wood panel 23"x
20"x 6"
There are five bound /metal capped cords at
the bottom that extend approx 8" off of the 'canvas'.
- Hrim .......Om Siva. Fire. The great weaver
of illusory worlds, the sound which generates all others and the ungraspable
ultimate point.
- Srim ......The mantra of the Goddess form
of good fortune, conquerer of time.
- Krim .....Kind giver of peace,gifted with
all the arts smashing the pride of this degenerate age,devourer of time,compassion
without limit sustaining all the female energies of the Universe.
- Klim.....Abolishing all evil intent and afflictions
of Kula Tantrikas..Lady of the Kaulas,you destroy the fear of death with
these three mantra Krim, Srim, Hrim.