Pepernoten (Gingernuts) is a typical dutch candy that Sinterklaas gives to all children. Here's the recipe for this delicious candy. Ingredients:
1. 125g baking powder
Preparation Preheat the oven to 180-220 C. Mix all ingredients in the mixing bowl. Wash your hands and with your wet hands mix everything well. Knead the mix until it becomes a dough that does not stick to your hands. Grease the baking-tray using the butterbrush Roll the dough into little balls, as big as marbles, and put these on the baking tray. Put the baking tray in the middle of the oven and for about 20 minutes. Turn of the oven, let the gingernuts cool for 10 minutes and then use the saptula to remove them from the baking tray. |