[Mind Forest Menu]

The Rhythm Tree:

[The Rhythm Tree]

The Rhythm Tree is a sculpture with more than 300 networked drum pads mounted on seven giant, circular pods which stretch throughout the Mind Forest. Each individual pad is hand-molded in translucent rubber, and equipped with a special microprocessor and LED display. There is enough intelligence on each pad to allow variation in touch - from the slightest tap to the most powerful pounding - to produce a wide array of sonic results, all controllable with familiarity and skill. Each pad is also connected to many others, like branches on a tree (or synapses in the brain). As the player strikes them, different signals are sent ricocheting through the connected circuits, creating an ever-changing variety of sounds and images.

See an earlier architectural design for the Rhythm Tree.

See an earlier artistic design for the Rhythm Tree.

Reach the technical specifications for the Rhythm Tree.