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Santa Letter
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Hello.. And how are you ?

I am interested in obtaining the source for your Santa Letter script.

My name is Stephen Ippoliti and I am one of the founders of a new company on the interned called Rock Island Technologies.

It is our purpose to create various WWW pages for commercial advertising. The first of such pages is called "Simply Christmas".

Unfortunatly, we have no current advertisers. With Christmas coming upon us quickly, all of our time is being spent with company technicalities and publicity. We have very little time for development.

Strictly for demonstration purposes, I have included your script for our letter to Santa while I develop my own. I will remove this link upon your request. I think it represents very clever work on your part. However, I would like a copy of the script so that I may add our graphics and change it's functionality slightly.

In exchange, I will post credit to you on the Santa Letter page and include a link to this page if you wish. We cannot offer any money, for we don't have any too offer at this time.

With other holidays getting closer, we plan to keep similar "letter to" functionality ( Easter Bunny, etc. ). Even after I develop my script, I will post credit to you and link this page for one year. That will be costing us money if we have an advertiser willing to advertise there, but we must give credit where credit is due.

Please feel free to visit our page at: http://holiday.ritech.com

Thank you,

Stephen Ippoliti

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