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Re: Reviewing your site
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Hi -

Last year we received 1.2 million hits + 680,000 email messages to Santa. Web hits came from over 70 countries.

We're not planning a major revamp this Christmas. Tradition and all that, you know. As to feedback, we have lots and lots of notes from users, but I'm afraid that we really can't divulge details due to the sanctity of the Santa/Santee relationship. ;)

Carl Malamud Asst. VP, Elf Relations Internet Multicasting Service

According to Morris Jones:
> Dear Elfmaster,
> If Santa Claus is in the same terminal room, please advise him that
> I have already sent him a separate email. I have been a very good
> assistant editor this year ;-).
> I'm writing for Internet Australasia magazine, and I wish to review
> your Web site.
> I would like to know what sort of feedback the whole IMS Christmas
> site has received, and if there are any interesting stories surrounding
> its use. Do people really decorate digital trees, and how?
> Will the site be updated with anything new for Christmas 1996?
> Thanks,
> Morris Jones (morris@interaus.net)
> Internet Australasia
> http://www.interaus.net/

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