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L.Chiu@ix.netcom.com (Lyndon Chiu) sent the following comment about http://park.org/main.cgi:
URL: Holy ****!!!

Check this out! This is such a great place I've never seen! I'm really Really REally REAlly REALly REALLy REALLY proud of my home land Taiwan and the related countries!!!! I hope this is gonna be the best internet service in 1996!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!IMPRESSIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!VERY!!!!!!!!!!!
Server name: park.org Gateway Interface: CGI/1.1 Path Info: Path Translated: Script Name: /cgi-bin/form-mail.fairmaster

Server protocol: HTTP/1.0
Remote host: ix-sj13-19.ix.netcom.com
Remote IP address:
User Agent: Mozilla/1.22 (Windows; U; 32bit)

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