Mizukoshi Shot Fiery Mountain
Takeshi Mizukoshi@Mt.Fuji/Winter 1996
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>>South West of the Tree Line<<
"I shot this in November. There's snow on the top of the mountain.
The diagonal black area traversing from the top left to the bottom right is the tree line at the climbers' half-way point. The elevation is about 2,500m.
There are some alder trees in the larch woods. The leaves have already turned yellow. It's lovely."

clickable illustration of Mt.Fuji--Potted Fuji--
[The Crater] [Near the Top] [Close View Near the Top] [The Yoshida Osawa Valley]
[South West of the Tree Line] [North East of the Tree Line]
[The Climbers' Half-Way Point] [The View from Mt. Kitadake in Japan's Southern Alps]