Tetsuya Ozaki

Tetsuya Ozaki was born in 1955 in Tokyo, and is an editor and an electronic publisher/producer. He graduated from the Faculty of Economics, Keio University, and then began to work in the publishing industry. He joined Shincho-sha Publishers in 1984 (Paperback Division), and later became Deputy Editor-in-Chief of "03 Tokyo Calling," a city-culture/information magazine. He opened his own office in 1995, and produced the CD-ROM "Digital Encyclopedia of Kabuki," which received a Multimedia Grand Prix Award from the Multimedia Software Promotion Association as well as a Special jury Prize of the MILIA '96 in Cannes, France. He is an art and multimedia critic, as well as a producer, editor, and editorial director of Internet-related events, electronic publications, and other network communications products. He is the author (under the alias of Mamoru Ozaki) of "Ernest Hemingway: End of a Dramatized Life," and other works.

Theme pavilion "sensorium" (sensorium home page)
INTERNET 1996 WORLD EXPOSITION (World Public Park) / JAPAN (Japan EXPO home page)