I know, I know...
wiser souls than I have pointed out that no one cares about this stuff; I'm just going through the motions.


August 5th, 1955
Born at Providence Hospital - Anchorage, Alaska

Raised in Bellevue, Washington by Marie & Julius Walters

September, 1973
Enrolled at Brown University - Providence, Rhode Island

May 18, 1974
Experienced satori on the beach - Cape Cod, Massachusetts

June, 1978
Graduated Brown University - A.B. in Music

August, 1985
Released first solo album on CBS Central America

April 20, 1994
Registered first private Internet address

October 17, 1994
Opened first WWW home page, *RandyLand*

Release first independant CD+, "Endorphia"

Ride growth spiral that leads to a life free of corporate drudgery
and full of dreams made real...

Click here to return to *RandyLand*.

India the Wonder Cat sez "Stop typing and feed me! "

All original artwork and "Endorphia" © 1994-1995 Randy Walters

randyman@ids.net + rwalters@gtech.com