Pomegranate Kimchi

The name comes from the look of its radishes when the kimchi is fermented, which are riddled with many cracks like ripe pomegranates. Many slits are made into radishes then stuffed with seasoning. Ground red chili is not added to pomegranate kimchi, which is appropriate for kids or some patients.

Materials(makes for four) and Precooking

2 radishes
10 leaves Chinese cabbage
1 cup coarse salt
4 cups water
1/2 each radish, Korean pear
5 chestnuts
2 rock mushrooms (Gyrophora esculenta)
30g (0.7 pounds) each young scallion, dropwort
1 bulb garlic
1 chunk ginger
a small amount of sugar
2 spoons salt
a small amount of thin, strip-sliced red chili
radish choose big radishes and clean. Cut into 4cm-high (1 1/2 inch) cylinders, and cut deep into one end of each piece at 1cm (1/2 inch) intervals like the meshes of a chess board, leaving the bottom 1cm uncut. Clean the radish for seasoning and slice into 3cm (1 1/5 inch) strips.
salting Soak the cylinders of radishes and cabbage leaves in salted water until they are wilted. Rinse and drain.
pear, chestnut peel and cut into fine slices.
mushroom soak in warm water and slice.
dropwort, young scallion clean and wash. Cut into 3cm (1 1/5 inch) pieces.
garlic and ginger clean and wash. Mince.
  1. Some of the materials and most of the wares actually needed are not included in the materials list, assuming they are readily available in any home.
  2. Metric values are approximated into pounds and inches, as they are not absolutes.

  1. Seasoning; Mix and knead thin strips of red chili with strip-sliced radish until the mixture turns bright red. Add and knead in the rest of flavorings, sugar and salt.
  2. Stuff the seasoning into the slits and wrap each piece with a cabbage leaf.
  3. Pile neatly in a pot and add salted water for the sauce. Let ferment. The mixture of salted water and boiled shrimp juice (liquid) can replace the sauce. Grated pears can be added for extra coolness.

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