A Canadian Northern Adventure

Welcome to the 1996 Internet World Exposition and the Canadian Pavilion from the top of the world! Beginning on August 5th, follow our adventurers as they travel above the Arctic Circle to join the renowned Arctic Watch , where they will share with you one of the best soft eco-adventure experiences in the Arctic. Then join them as they meet up with the rest of their team in the Eastern Arctic, on the southeastern corner of Baffin Island on a canoeing expedition down the magical Soper River. Through the course of this adventure they will discover some of the beauty, majesty, and natural and human history of the Arctic.

Through the use of mobile satellite technology, visitors of the 1996 Internet World Exposition will be able to follow these adventurers as they will be updating a daily travelogue and will be transmitting images of their experiences. To create a greater visual appreciation of what one would see at Arctic Watch , along the Soper River, Inuit cultural sites and in northern communities, our adventurers will be photographing views to create QuickTime VR movies which will provide full 360 degree panoramas. We hope to be able to transmit these images as well.

Well the trip is now over...soon to come...70 rolls of film, digital photos, video and panoramas were taken so the image gallery will be outstanding! Also, more information on several of the visited locations so check out this site periodically for more fun the away team had on their trip.

There are now 5 panoramas up and they're way cool, more panoramas to come!

UPDATE! More photos have been put up today...September 25, 1996 in the Soper River Image Gallery and the Miscellaneous Gallery...Enjoy!

This Site has been awarded the Cool Canadian Site of the Day for August 15, 1996.

This Site has also been awarded the Cool Canadian Site of the Week by KGJ Inc.for the week August 19, to August 25, 1996.


Sponsors Daily
Travelogue Itinerary Our Team Acknowledgements Technology Arctic
Watch Soper River
Trip Mail

Image gallery and Panoramas | Our Sponsors | Daily Travelogue | Itinerary | Our Team | Acknowledgements | Technology | Arctic Watch | Soper River Trip

Mail us on our arctic adventure at: adventur@physics.carleton.ca .

This site last updated September 25, 1996.
These Web pages designed and by the Arctic Adventure Webmaster
Graphics copyright The Arctic Adventure©, 1996.