Brain Opera
Sponsors, Co-Producers, and Equipment Support


Sponsored by

IBM Corporation, NTT DATA CORPORATION, Singapore Digital Media Consortium,
"Things That Think" Consortium of the MIT Media Lab,
Interval Research, AT&T, Bloomberg News, Infocus,
Bay Networks, David Shaw, MCI, NYNEX, WIRED Magazine

Sponsoring Co-Producers

Lincoln Center Festival, NTT DATA CORPORATION/NexSite Project (Tokyo),
Singapore National Arts Council, National University of Singapore,
Ars Electronica Festival (Linz), Electronic Cafe International (Copenhagen),
Kravis Center for the Performing Arts (West Palm Beach), Karstadt AG/KaDeWe (Berlin)

Equipment Support

Adobe, AKG, Anansi, AMP, ART, Avid Technologies, Belden Wire and Cable Co., Bose,
Creative Technology, Inc., Digidesign, ElectroVoice, ELO, Fujitsu, Intel, InFocus Systems,
KRK Systems, Inc., Kurzweil/Young Chang, MFS Communications, Microchip, Microsoft,
NEC, Oki of America, Open Market, Pioneer, Quantum, Streamworks/Xing,
Sun Microsystems, Sony, Template Graphics, Yamaha

Click on the links or the image of our Lobby set, below, to see the ways that technical equipment, provided by our sponsors and supporters, has been designed into the Brain Opera:

[Image Map]
[The Gesture Wall][The Rhythm Tree][ Harmonic Driving][Speaking Trees]
[ Singing Trees][The Melody Easel][ The Internet Railroad]

The Brain Opera is a core project of the Internet 1996 World Exposition