
First, read more about the fair and how to register pavilions, places and events. Don't forget to check the What's New regulary.

The new fairgrounds

We reorganized the fair and added a lot of new features. For example, there are lots of cool animations to be found everywhere. We now have eightteen different themes were you can find all pavilions. There are still regions were you can find many more of them. We improved our search so you can more easily find what you like. There is also a map that gives you an overview of the fairgrounds.

Our places are now divided in continents and you can find events per month. Don't forget our sponsors and all the letters of support we received.

We added a medal pavilion that features platinum and golden medals. The golden medals are for pavilions you like most. You can vote for pavilions in the fair and select winners. There are prizes to win for the golden medal pavilions, but also for the voters!

You can now easily switch from high to low speed on every page. When you think the high speed is too much, well, switch to low speed.

We included a feedback section where you can find different things for you to participate in. We now have a permanent audio and video conference running that can be used to meet people, but also to follow live events. All the technical stuff is explained in the toolbox.

You can now also send postcards from the fair by e-mail.


We now have more facilities to host your pavilions in central park. If you would like your pavilion not only to be accessible through the fair, but also be physically located in central park, please send a note to the fairmaster.

You can have your pavilion inside central park if you stick to the following rules.

Note: This is not a replacement for your existing site, it is a mirror of it, but one all over the world using our railroad!

We offer
  • Guests have their own locations on our server where they put their data. But the secretariat reserves the right to shut it down.
  • Guests can make modifications to their data, but are not allowed to develop in this area.
  • There is not realy a limit on the disk space the secretariat offers. If guests exceed 10 Mb they should notify the secretariat and can have more if needed.
We don't
  • The secretariat does not provide mail facilities, only forwarding.
  • Guest can not use other services unless approved by the secretariat.
We require
  • Cgi-bin scripts should be written in perl or unix shell. Our service does not include pre-compiled scripts.
  • All references in the guests documents should be relative to its root. The ismap references in the documents should be even more relative.
We shut down
  • If the secretariat notices any personal or illegal use of the services provided or if there is any attempt to harm or break the system, the hosting will be shut down and access to the whole "park" domain will be denied.

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