Korean S&T policy has passed through several different phases, responding to changing national development objectives and strategy. Throughout the period of rapid economic growth and industrialization, S&T policy has been adjusted to meet economic and social needs.
In the 1960's, the main goal of development was to lay a foundation for industrialization through the development of import-substitution industries, expansion of light industries, and support for producer-goods industries. Science and technology strategy was to strengthen scientific and technical education, to build up technological infrastructures, and to promote the import of foreign technololgy. During this period, the Ministry of Science and Technology was established to undertake scientific and technological development. The Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST), an industrial technology research institute, was created in 1966. That following year, in 1967, the Science and Technology Promotion Law was enacted.
During the 1970's, science and technology strategy aimed at strengthening technical and engineering education in the heavy and chemical industry fields, improving the institutional mechanism for adapting imported technology, and promoting R&D to meet industrial needs. That strategy was attuned to the government's efforts to expand the heavy and chemical industries. In line with the strategy, government - supported R&D institutes were established in the fields of machinery, shipbuilding, marine science, electronics, electricity, etc. The Technology Development Promotion Law and the Engineering Services Promotion Law were also enacted. In the course of industrialization, the manufacturing sector was expanded substantially and effecfively contributed to Korea's economic growth.
During the 1980's, industrial policy was directed to transforming the industrial structure into one based on comparative advantage, to expanding technology-intensive industry, such as machinery and electronics, and to encouraging technical manpower development. It was during this period that the government Launched natioal R&D projects that were targeted at strengthening indigenous R&D policy, and private industries started to establish thier own labs to meet the growing need for techology development.
Finally, in the 1990's, the current administration set its policy goal at improving overall national comprtituveness. In particular, structural adjustment of industries, technological innovation, improvement of information networks, efficient use of human and other resources, etc., are emphasized as means to enhance industrial competitiveness. In the science and technology Field, policy emphasis is placed on the reinforcement of the national R&D projects, strengthening demand-oriented technology development, and globalization of R&D activities.
The Korean government aims to reach the level of the G-7 countries in science and technology by the early 21st century. To achieve this goal, the following policies are being pursued.
First, the government will reinforce the national R&D projects that have been implemented since 1982 to enhance the competitiveness of leading industries and lay the foundation for future industrial development. Emphasis will be given to the strategic fields of high-technologies and core technologies such as biotechnology, new materials, engineering, big science and multidisciplinary technology including aerospace, ocean, nuclear energy, and advanced precision technologies. In carrying out these projects, broad and active participation of private sectors is very much encouraged. To increase the efficiency of the R&D projects, the government also has introduced within its government-supported organizations the "Project Base System," whereby researchers get to work under their own names in 1996.
Second, the government will promote basic science and place special emphasis on training the creative scientists and high-caliber technological manpower to lead the globalization of science and technology. The Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology will be reformed into
period | Industrialization | S&T Development |
1960's | ||
1970's | ||
1980's | ||
1990's |
a world-class leading institution of advanced education and research. For the promotion of basic science, R&D investment in universities and colleges will be increased to 12% of the total R&D by the year 2001. SRCs, ERCs and RRCs will also be expanded to promote basic scientific research. In parallel with these measures, the government will pursue the upgrading of higher education in the fields of science and technology through continuous investments. As an institutional base for basic scientific research, the government will create the "Korea Institute for Advanced Study" where world-renowned scientists and promising young scientists will be invited for research in their own fields.
Third, the government will continue to provide a variety of support and incentives, including tax and financial aid to private enterprises, in order to accelerate industrial technology innovation. Through policy measures, we aim to stimulate the R & D activities of private industries.
Fourth, the government will pursue technological self-reliance in the safe use of nuclear energy. For this purpose, we will readjust the long - term goals and directions of nuclear development. In addition, we will expand technical cooperation and technology transfer on the basis of our accumulated experience and technology in designing, constructing and operating nuclear power plants. As part of this, Korea will pursue active participation in international fusion research programs.
Fifth, the government will make efforts to enhance the awareness of science and technology among youth and the general public and foster a healthy culture of science and technology.
Finally, international cooperation in science and technology will be promoted and strengthened through such activities as joint research projects, exchange of scientists and information, invitation of foreign scientists, and exchanging R&D labs with foreign institutes. The Korean government has been expanding both bilateral and multilateral international cooperation. As of November 1995, the Korean government exchanged scientific and technical cooperation agreements with thirty-st countries. Korea is also expanding technical assistance to developing countries by sharing its experiences and technologies for their industrial development.
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