The world of Gaki (starved Oni) / Base men will become Oni in a future life.

I go to the place where there are people,
Then I am in the midst of the world of Oni.
- Seihonenshokyo

Buddhism expresses the belief that human beings transmigrate their souls around six worlds (Heaven, Human beings, Shambles, Brutes, Gaki, Hell). These six worlds, at whose center is Mt.Shumi, are extraordinarily large. If you had strong worldly desires, a stronger appetite than others and acted just to satisfy your desire, envied others and regretted yourself, you would surely fall into the world of Gaki (starved Oni) after death. There, the punishment of insatiable desire would be prepared for you. Every night you would suffer from your limitless desire which would make you crazy with starvation.
Gaki(starved Oni) are weird, living creatures with thin necks and expanded stomachs, but it is said that Gaki don't have enough power to do evil to human beings.

  • The faeces-serving Gaki
    A person who is so greedy that he doesn't make an offering to priests, giving dirty food to them instead, would become this Gaki. It is said that this Gaki comes close to human beings and eats excrement he finds around him.

  • The Gaki of ill acts
    A person who is a priest but breaks religious precepts to get food which should be given to the poor and eats it for himself would become this Gaki. The Gaki of ill acts always walks around graveyards and appears to enjoy being close to dead bodies.

  • The faeces-eating Gaki
    A person who is greedy and stingy and who never makes an offering and, in addition, gives dirty food to priests would turn into this Gaki. This Gaki gets into the pool of excrement and urine and eats excrement out of his hands.

  • The Gaki of empty fields
    A person who tortures travelers and robs them of their possessions would become this Gaki. The sharp beak and claws of the hawk eternally tear the flesh of this Gaki.

  • The Gaki of charcoal fires
    A person who is a prison guard, who hits or binds living creatures and starves them would become this Gaki. This Gaki always goes to graveyards and eats the fire used to burn dead bodies.

  • The Vomit-eating Gaki
    A person who doesn't give food to his wife or children but who eats delicious meals all day himself would become this Gaki. This Gaki is always forced to vomit and can't escape from suffering from starvation.

    Oni in hell

    This Oni is about 3 meter's tall,
    Its hair is disheveled like Yasha's,
    It has a reddish black body and black eyes like a monkey.
    - Kokonchomonshu

    An extremely wicked person will fall into hell after death.
    There he will be punished endlessly by Oni, the guards of hell.