
The history of DENGAKU

DENGAKU is a folk art that was born in the Heian era (the 9-12th century) .
It was a divine service performed before rice-planting or in some rituals developed from improvised work songs and dances in rice fields. In the earliest days, People marched in footpaths between rice field, dancing and playing pipes or drums for a good harvest in DENGAKU.

DENGAKU was favored by various classes of people throughout Japan from the end of the Kamakura era (the 13-14th century) to the beginning of the Muromachi era (the 15-16th century) . There were professional teams of DENGAKU called "Dengaku-Hoshi", who wore graceful ornaments and made tours all over the country. In addition, "Kanjin-Dengaku", a kind of charity for repair or restoration of temple or shrine were frequently performed. But in the middle of Muromachi era, a new performance called "Sarugaku-No" established by Zeami (a famous No-actor) had exterminated DENGAKU.
Now,it's time for the glorious entertainment to revive!!

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