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Convert the Table to Screen Reader Usable Format

This Table Converting JavaScript needs the information specifying the table as a string. This table string is parsed so the table caption, each column heading and every table cell is placed on its own line. Each new row is separated by a blank line. The row and cell number is written in parenthesis before the contents of the cell. The converted table appears in it's own window. At the top left of this new window there is a button for closing the window.

This Javascript doesn't yet properly process row or column headings not in the first row, multiple row or column spans, and tables within tables and, in parsing the string, only recognises capital TABLE, /TABLE, TH, TR and TD. Another useful JavaScript variant would present the cells grouped by column instead of by rows.

Table Caption.
Column1. Column2. Column3.
R1C1. R1C2. R1C3.
R2C1. R2C2. R2C3.
R3C1. R3C2. R3C3.