Your Ideas and Input

The quality and utility of this Web site is and will continue to be a function of the collective contributions of many people. As you are cruising around through the D A A W, you will find locations at the bottom of most pages which allow you to send comments back to us. If you have any ideas, if you notice anything that is wrong, if you are aware of other resources, or if you could in any other way contribute to this joint effort, please take a moment and send us your thought or comment. The features are set up so that you can just activate the link, type a few words, and send it off to us, either anonymously or with your name and address included. Click here to send us your ideas and input.

Individuals who have contributed to 

Many individuals have contributed to this site, some via the work represented in the papers which are listed on this site, others who have helped in the design and refinement of this site, and still others who have developed the ideas and strategies presented here. Click here to see a partial listing.