Kimchi Chigae

Chigae is perhaps the very broth Koreans enjoy to go with rice in almost every meal. The broth is boiled longer for better tasting liquid part than Chongol, which is cooked for solid parts. Kimchi Chigae is especially closely related with the life of ordinary people. Virtually every home has its own recipe for the broth. Some use simple water or add anchovy for base soup, while others prefer bone soup which is boiled for days. Pork is the usual meat but some people like tuna instead of pork. What decides the taste of a Chigae is kimchi. Well-fermented kimchi is the best.

Materials(makes for four) and Precooking

1 head Chinese Cabbage Kimchi, which is preferrably a little sour
120g (0.2 pounds) pork
1 cup white rice bread
1 sheath scallion
1 spoon minced garlic
4 cups boiled bone or anchovy soup
@ flavorings
3 spoons ground chili
1 teaspoon minced garlic
1/2 teaspoon minced iginger
kimchi remove some of the stuffing from the leaves and slice into small pieces.
pork slice into 2 or 3cm (1 inch) in size.
white rice bread wash with water. Let sit in water for a while when using hardened bread.
scallion clean and slice into two strips. Cut into 5cm (2 inches) pieces and tear into thin strips.
  1. Some of the materials and most of the wares actually needed are not included in the materials list, assuming they are readily available in any home.
  2. Metric values are approximated into pounds and inches, as they are not absolutes.

  1. Mix ground chili with minced garlic and ginger to make thick paste of chili flavoring.
  2. Put kimchi in a saucepan and add pork, minced garlic and scallion. Pour in a generous amount of the base soup.
  3. Heat on a strong fire until kimchi is wilted. Add white rice bread and turn down the fire to medium-low. Bean curd or dimsum can replace the white rice bread. For connoissers, keep it boiling on the dining table during the meal.

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