Kimchi and Clam Broth

The broth tastes "clean", combining the tastes of kimchi and clam. Clams can be replaced by meat, anchovy, or dried shrimp.

Materials(makes for four) and Precooking

100g (0.2 pounds) Chinese Cabbage Kimchi
2 cups rice
100g clam with the shells removed
5 pyogo mushrooms (Lentimus edodes)
1 sheath scallion
a small amount of sesame seed oil and soy sauce
cabbage kimchi clean the leaves of stuffing. Squeeze to drain liquid, and mince.
rice wash and let sit in water for half an hour. Drain.
clam wash in salted water and drain.
mushroom soak in water and drain. Slice.
  1. Some of the materials and most of the wares actually needed are not included in the materials list, assuming they are readily available in any home.
  2. Metric values are approximated into pounds and inches, as they are not absolutes.

  1. Apply sesame seed oil in a saucepan and roast rice until the grains become half-transparent.
  2. Add water and quick-boil on a stove with the temperature set to high. When it starts to boil, turn the temperature down to slow the cooking.
  3. When the rice is cooked, salt with soy sauce and add sesame seed oil and turn off the stove.
  4. Serve in bowls.

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